Civil Society News Network is dedicated to amplifying the voices of grassroots communities and fostering informed dialogue on social, economic, and environmental issues. We strive to highlight the work of civil society organizations, inspire civic engagement, and promote collaborative solutions for sustainable development and social justice.

To become a trusted platform that unites communities, advocates for positive change, and strengthens the role of civil society in building a fair, inclusive, and sustainable world.


CSNN Civil Society News Network will support & promote Civil Societies & their work bringing Communities closer strengthening Humanity & Humanitarian Work.

Every day, across the globe, civil society plays a vital role in promoting, protecting, and advancing human rights.

Whether they identify as human rights defenders, NGOs, bar associations, student organizations, trade unions, university institutes, bloggers, environmental activists, or charities supporting marginalized communities, countless individuals and groups work tirelessly toward a common vision: a future rooted in justice, equality, and human dignity.

Collaboration with civil society remains a strategic priority for CSNN. This partnership strengthens shared objectives, fosters meaningful alliances, and advances our mission to uphold human rights.

CSNN is committed to enhancing the knowledge and skills of civil society actors in the realm of international human rights. It also aims to amplify their participation in UN decision-making processes and advocacy efforts focused on protecting civic spaces.

Mohsin Durrani

Founder & CEO